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Simone Weil

Simone Weil was a French philosopher. My concept is strongly formed by her thought, I immerse myself in analyzing her writing, especially ‘Gravity and Grace’ that organizes her notebooks and is published by her friends. It proposes significance concepts such as beauty, attention, necessity and chance. It successfully articulates the process of thinking for me and I had never seen before what I think can express , which has really influenced how to construct my ideas or to face up with art. She really thinks highly of reality and existence, and rejects imagination and attachment to anything. Furthermore, she also encourages us to be willing to accept the affliction, because imagination or attachment or denying affliction are unreal: illusion, and they attempt to fill the void, so they make the fictional affliction and effort. she says reality can be obtained only by someone who is detached and reiterates you have to be yourself and have to throw away the vanity or the pride beyond myself: If we go down into ourselves, we find that we possess exactly what we desire. She talks about the beauty that she sees as one of the essential character of all exists, it is never intervened and just do exists, never gives anything. So we only wait and see it without any expectation or imagination. Therefore, it involves with contradiction, affliction and lack that may connect with a limitation of myself. We have to understand that limitation: humble. The another important concept for me is necessity and chance. Your motivation comes from the pure necessity, which never give rise to any rewards for the action, the jealousy or the downfall, that is totally nothing to do with imagination: Obedience to necessity. In terms of chance it can connect renouncement of myself or humble. She thinks of nothingness and says as long as we ourselves have begun the process of destroying the ‘I’, we can prevent any affliction from causing harm. I think that renouncing myself and relying on by chance are the essential concept of the situation of painting. I have to avoid controlling and accept a random process, but still have connection with my unconsciousness, as much as I can. She mentions 'In so far as I become nothing, God loves himself through me', which can put my concept into words. Attachment is widely spread, may transform into other words like desire, expectation, and also sticks to the goodness. Therefore, the more you think about goodness of the thing, the more attachment possibly comes out.
As contrast with goodness, you have to recognize your defects. However, you also just recognize them as the limitation and the malignancy, which is a good way of personality. Though we tend to distort them by unreal desire or goodness, no matter how it is far away from proper thoughts or attitude, that is basically fictional standards, we just need an attention to the existence, even your defects.
Her idea is the truly pure integrity, but too much sometimes. Therefore, I often hard to understand some opinions, however, my attitude or thoughts to art is mainly underpined by it.


Albert Camus

He is another important author for me and is very known worldwide as a philosopher. He was also great influenced by Simone Weil. His books named ‘The Stranger’ and ‘The Plague’ is the concept that has inspired me. Through it I gradually think about any thoughts related to myself. His main idea is Absurdism that the individuals should embrace the unfair and absurd world. the behavior and the thought are likely intervened by an ideal concept or common sense, but he puts forward to find their own value and defies such moral and societal perspectives. Every action can be purpose. It means that purposeless, as nothing could ever be a source of meaning, can connect with the reality and can find meaning. The value of the individual is beyond other’s value or understand, but it is really good condition. We should accept an absurd condition of human existence.
He indicates the human essential concepts in a clear way like ‘The stranger’ in the modern society. Both of his stories is undramatic and tragedic, which I can figure out he also rejects the ideology, the vanity and the imagination. He has the thematic link as Weil has. His large philosophical theme is the aim for profoundly human problems such as love, happiness, which inspires my concept of the work that attempts to unveil the fundamental psychological issues.


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